
Saving Strategies

posted on: 24-Jun-2017

Tips to Maximize Your Savings Account

Having a savings account is a great way to plan for your future. Savings accounts often accumulate interest on their own, so just by setting one up you are helping to bolster your financial status. Savings accounts are often linked to checking accounts, which might entice you to spend more knowing that you have back up in your savings account. You should avoid this type of behavior. There are a few strategies you can use to make sure you are putting away money for your future and not spending it all frivolously in the here and now.


First, you should set a savings goal for yourself. How much do you want to save? Set up a timeline and make sure you stick to it. Keep track of the amounts you have saved and when you put money into your savings.


Start small. Even if you are not making a lot of money, it is always a good idea to put away a little money. Instead of taking yourself out for a celebratory dinner each time you get a paycheck, celebrate by putting those extra few bucks in your savings account and giving yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing your are planning ahead.


Set up automatic savings transfers from your checking to savings account. You can do this online with your bank. One way to do it is to set an amount to be put into your savings each month. Set up automatic payments, and the bank will transfer the money to your savings account for you.

Always make sure you have money in your savings account and keep adding to it.


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