Earning More

How to ask for a raise

posted on: 27-Sep-2017

The right way to ask for a raise

Let's face it, there are few things in life more awkward or nerve wracking than asking for a raise at your place of employment. While you might know that you deserve the monetary promotion, it can be a hard thing to ask for. Workers in the United States have it in their heads that they are burdening their boss or company with their requests. They feel that it is something that is not conventionally asked. The truth is that many employees deserve raises that they never work up the never to ask for and it ends up hurting them in the long run. The key to asking for a raise is to do it with confidence and in order to have that confidence you need to follow these simple tips.

Evaluate your worth
Knowing that you deserve a raise is different from knowing how much of a raise you are actually worth. Rather than going into the request blind and potentially settling for a lower amount, make sure to sit back and look over the job you do to get an idea as to what your raise is worth. If you perform a vital function for the company and you have done it at a high level, for a long time, you may be in line for asking after a sizable bump. If you are relatively low on the ladder and haven't been at it long, a smaller raise might be in order first. Always set your expectations appropriately!

Prove your worth
Now comes the most important part of the entire show. You need to sit down and find a way to prove why you are worth more money by the hour. This is the gut check time for most people that want a raise. If you can't find a reason as to why you deserve a raise then perhaps it is time to table the issue. Otherwise, keep going! Look into things like productivity per hour, quotas being met, as well as employment history. If you have been with the company for so many years but haven't had a raise in a year or two, you are probably due for one anyway!

Approach the bargaining table
Now you have to approach the bargaining table and talk to the person who holds the key to your raise. Whether it is HR or the head of your department, request a meeting when they are not busy. At this meeting sit down, lay out your facts, and be ready for their response. Be level headed, calm, and professional and you should find yourself with a raise in no time!


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